Abacus Math Program – Lesson 2 – Counting 6 to 9

Now that we know how to enter and remove the numbers from 1 to 5 on the abacus, we will continue with the remaining numbers 6 to 9. From this point we will be able to represent all 10 digits, 0 through 9, on a single rod of the abacus or soroban. As a reminder, in abacus math we learn to reduce all arithmetic problems to single digit operations. So if we learn how to represent all 10 digits on a single rod, we will be ready to begin learning all the math operations applied to a single rod, or simply one digit at a time. In abacus math lesson 2, numbers 6 through 9 are formed by combining the upper 5 bead with 1 or more lower beads on the abacus. Again we want to learn and practice efficient bead mechanics by following the suggested finger movements.

To enter the numbers 6 to 9 the student should “pinch” all the required beads at the same time by using both the index finger and thumb together. To remove the numbers 6 to 9 the student can “reverse pinch” with both the index finger and thumb moving both beads away from the reckoning bar at the same time or first move the 5 bead away from the bar with the index finger and then again with the index finger remove the required number of lower beads. The choice of technique is really a student preference but specific problem circumstances may lend to one technique over the other. The best choice is to stay consistent with the technique you choose.

Let’s add the number 6 to the abacus by pinching both the upper 5 bead and the first lower 1 bead with both our index finger and thumb together. We can now subtract the number 6 by first removing the 5 bead with the index finger and then again with the index finger move the lower 1 bead away from the bar.

Next let’s add the number 7 to abacus by pinching both the upper 5 bead and two lower beads with both our index finger and thumb together. Now subtract the number 7 from the abacus by first removing the 5 bead with the index finger and then again with the index finger move the 2 lower beads away from the bar.

Next let’s add the number 8 to abacus by pinching both the upper 5 bead and 3 lower beads with both our index finger and thumb together. Now subtract the number 8 from the abacus by first removing the 5 bead with the index finger and then again with the index finger move the 3 lower beads away from the bar.

Finally add the number 9 to abacus by pinching all the beads with your index finger and thumb. Now subtract the number 9 from the abacus by first removing the 5 bead with the index finger and then again with the index finger move the 4 lower beads away from the bar.

Ok, we can now represent all 10 digits, 0 through 9, and count 0 to 9 on a single rod of the abacus. Again a great way to practice your finger movements is to sequentially add and then subtract each digit from 0 to 9. In the next Lesson 3 Simple Addition and Subtraction we will start putting our new abacus math knowledge to work doing some simple addition and subtraction problems.